Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday 25th Moscow

Ok so the first day of being a tourist is at least half over. Today Cam took us to a whole lot of places which involved various means of transport to get to, starting obviously feet, moving to the subway for miles and miles and when I say subway good heavens this thing is burried in the bowels of the earth - and finally a taxi that is not a taxi. You see if you just stand in the road and hold your hand up a car wil stop the driver will instantly become a taxi and negotiate a fare to where you want to go then they take you there obviously - drop you and just become an ordinary person again - weird eh!!

Ok now onto the photo's well we would love tpo leave some however the camera refusess to part with them so while we have taken them they are firmly implanted on the camera's memory stick - bit of a nuisance really never mind I am sure that it is nothing that a new camera won't fix!

Ok so where did we go today:-

- Cams office
- Soviet World Ehibition Center (SWEC)
- Swiss Hotel(SH)
- Lubyanka (FSB Headquarters - Old KGB) Rather a daunting sight

BTW whilst this may not sound far in distance it moved from as Cam describes the city as a clock 11:30 to 11:35 (Cams Office) to 2:30(SWEC) and halfway outside the clock. to 5 o-clock (SH)to 2:30 in the center of the clock (FBS)and home to (11:30). Now I am sure that most of this means nothing to most of you however I am sure that Gill will describe the day in much better datail. Ok thats all from me, till l8r CU.

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